Search Is The Center Of Learning
Search is at the center of learning. What’s the first thing you do when you need to learn something new? Are any of these one of your answer? Look through...
Stop Trying To Predict Mobile Users Needs
It’s time to banish the myth that you can predict what a user will need on a mobile device. You can’t do it. The closest you can get to predicting...
Mobile Performance Support – Make It Simple!
What have you done lately to simplify someone’s life? Everyone’s life is complex. Everyone’s busy in their own way. If you can simplify it, then you're providing a good return...
Second Screen Revolution
First post of 2014 and I’m feeling motivated to keep going with every two weeks a new post #ResolutionNow*. I’ve made that my goal for the past seven or eight...
Reflecting On The Year – 2013
It's been a busy year, with a lot of things happening. New technologies have come, and gone. So have new methodologies. I’ve learned a lot, forgotten even more probably, but...
Everything Is In a Filter Bubble
A week and a half ago was DevLearn, and I’ve been mulling on writing this post ever since hearing Eli Pariser's filter bubble talk. I was not at DevLearn but...